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Smoked Bourbon Sugar

This recipe is easily doubled or tripled. I found the best use of this sugar is to sprinkle it on top of the dessert right before baking rather than replacing normal sugar or honey in the recipe. And now that I think about it, I bet this would be really good in coffee. 


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 Tbl bourbon
  • alder chips for smoking the sugar


  1. In a small bowl mix the bourbon and sugar together until the mixture is uniformly damp.

  2. Put the mixture into a glass pie dish or something similar, and pat gently down until the mixture is spread evenly over the pie dish bottom. 

  3. Cold smoke the sugar mixture for 6 hours. You'll be able to smell the smoke in the sugar when it's done. 

  4. The flour mixture will dry semi-hard. Break the mixture in the pie plate by putting a wooden spoon down onto the sugar and tapping the spoon with a meat tenderizer or something hard.  Roughly cut the sugar with a large knife on a cutting board.  Or if you have a food mill, break the pieces of sugar up with your finger into grape size pieces and grind with the food mill. This seems to work the best for me. 

  5. Store in a tupperware or glass jar.