We are sisters who want to create a place for dreamers, the secret backyard chicken keepers, the collectors of lost knowledge, the industrious gardener, and the hopefully curious. This is a place for all who have dreams of living a sustainable life connected to the community that they live in. We believe that a person can live a sustainable homesteading life no matter where they are. A person with herbs on the windowsill, a cheesemaker, friends taking knitting classes, a neighbor who shares garden tools, a plot at a community garden, this is the face of the modern homesteader. A person just like you……Do what you can, where you are, and live a joyous life doing so.

Top 5 Summer Rhubarb Recipes

Growing a garden in Fairbanks is challenging at best with a very short growing season of just 60 days guaranteed frost free.  The silver lining of growing this far north is the 24 hours of sun for two months.  I do not possess the natural green thumb of my sister...

All About Rhubarb

Rhubarb is one of the many exciting signs of spring, a welcome burst of color in an otherwise barren post winter landscape. Rhubarb is the first edible plant that grows on our farm. As the hardy perennial pushes its way through the soil before the forsythia blooms,...

In the Morning

  This section of the blog is for daily life, rambling confessions and observations about the world we live in. Today mine is a complaint, a whine? It's 6 am and I was planning on sleeping in a little bit. I was up late last night working on our farmers market...

Greek Chicken and Rice Soup with Lemon

Greek Chicken and Rice Soup or Avgolemono is a favorite in our house. We usually make this right when the garden is starting to produce and we go out and harvest the vegetables and herbs for dinner. Except for the lemons, I want a lemon tree so badly and our...

Raising Turkey Poults

There is a huge amount of information about raising chickens and chicks, and so very little about raising turkeys from poults. Any information you do find is almost guaranteed to be about raising commercial breeds like the Broad-Breasted White, in a commercial...

Are Heritage Turkeys Really Better

Turkeys, in my opinion, are some of the easiest animals to raise and overwinter, although I'm not going to claim they are the smartest animals. I've owned Broad-breasted Whites, Narragansett, Bourbon Reds, and some mixed heritage breeds, in varying degrees of...

Are Heritage Turkeys Really Better

Turkeys, in my opinion, are some of the easiest animals to raise and overwinter, although I'm not...

How to Create a Convertible Chicken House

My chicken house and chicken yard look like a shanty town. I have a slapped together, constantly...

Trading on the Homestead

One of my favorite activities is to trade with other people. Not buy, but trade, swap, bargain,...

Smokey Cowboy Cookies

I love smoked food, love it, smoked sausage, salmon, porter, jerky, chowders, pretty much...

Raising Turkey Poults

There is a huge amount of information about raising chickens and chicks, and so very little about...

How to Garden with Young Children

Gardening with young children can be a mixed bag of experiences. Initially capturing their...

How to Stop Chicken Pecking

Some chicken pecking occurs in all flocks and is natural to maintain order (i.e. the pecking...

Preserving Your Garlic Harvest

Garlic is a must in my kitchen and in my garden. Garlic has a very long growing season, about 7...

Blackberry Muffins

Last month my family and I were on our annual 'Grant Tour', meaning we were visiting the family....

Meat Rabbits 101

My sister April, first started talking about purchasing meat rabbits a few years ago but was...

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~ Jessica & April

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