We are sisters who want to create a place for dreamers, the secret backyard chicken keepers, the collectors of lost knowledge, the industrious gardener, and the hopefully curious. This is a place for all who have dreams of living a sustainable life connected to the community that they live in. We believe that a person can live a sustainable homesteading life no matter where they are. A person with herbs on the windowsill, a cheesemaker, friends taking knitting classes, a neighbor who shares garden tools, a plot at a community garden, this is the face of the modern homesteader. A person just like you……Do what you can, where you are, and live a joyous life doing so.

How to Vacation when Homesteading

Everybody needs a break occasionally, a change of scenery or new people to meet. A reset on daily life. I love my home and the quirky day to day management that keeps it running. But sometimes I just need to get out. A new place is always inspiring, it gives me...

Mixed Berry Syrup

When summer berries are ripe, I fill my freezer and wait for cooler weather to start canning. Some garden produce must be canned right away, not so with berries. I clean them an put them in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze them like that. After a day or...

A Healthy Home-Homemade Cleaners

Cleaning is a chore that never goes away, especially on the homestead. My kitchen takes a hit from so much food preparation, my bathrooms from my children and husband (Sorry Greg, I am blaming you too) floors from an old dog that sleeps in the corner. When my...

Creating a Firebreak on the Homestead

Our homestead in Fairbanks is on top of a north facing ridge surrounded by black spruce trees. Black spruce trees just happen to be very flammable, catching fire easily and burning fast and hot, and wildfires have the nasty habit of burning uphill. When we moved...

A June Morning on the Homestead

June in Fairbanks is a juxtaposition of sensations.  On one hand, it is warm, sunny, green, light, growing, alive with birds, animals, life, all the things you missed during a winter in Fairbanks that lasted almost 7 months.  On the other hand, it is prime mosquito...

My Homesteading Library

I have been many things in this world, and often they were challenging and gratifying, but one of my favorites was being a bookstore owner.  My husband and I bought the bookstore after he retired from his military career. I had always dreamed of owning a bookstore...

Naming a Homestead

I've lived in my current house for almost 6 years now. From the ages of 17- 31, before we bought our current homestead, I moved 23 times for work, school, and jobs. Twenty-three times!  And that's just what I remember. That's essentially moving every 7 months. ...

How to Make a Sourdough Starter

I love sourdough bread. During the past year, I've been experimenting with ways to make a...

Winter Animal Care

I love my animals! Love them, except in winter, when I don't. Then they go from movie star status...

When Fences Fail

Now I know we all have an idealized view of homesteading, at least I did! Chickens and turkeys...

Top-Bar Beehive Plans

I've always wanted to keep bees. When I was planning my homestead, beekeeping was at the top of my...

How to Downsize Your Homestead

It happens. Some life-changing situation occurs, and your homesteading needs to change too. It...

How to Garden with Young Children

Gardening with young children can be a mixed bag of experiences. Initially capturing their...

Cold Climate Vegetable Gardening

I love to garden, my life is just plain better when I am playing with dirt. The colors textures...

Homemade Italian Sausage

I'm currently on a charcuterie meat kick. Why? Because sausages and smoked meats are really good...

Birch Sap Sourdough Starter

Birch trees, like maple trees, produce sap that can be reduced down to make syrup. Awesome, right,...

Raising Turkey Poults

There is a huge amount of information about raising chickens and chicks, and so very little about...

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~ Jessica & April

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