We are sisters who want to create a place for dreamers, the secret backyard chicken keepers, the collectors of lost knowledge, the industrious gardener, and the hopefully curious. This is a place for all who have dreams of living a sustainable life connected to the community that they live in. We believe that a person can live a sustainable homesteading life no matter where they are. A person with herbs on the windowsill, a cheesemaker, friends taking knitting classes, a neighbor who shares garden tools, a plot at a community garden, this is the face of the modern homesteader. A person just like you……Do what you can, where you are, and live a joyous life doing so.

Easy Last Minute Thanksgiving Dishes

It's happened again. I waited to until the last minute to decide what to make for a Thanksgiving side dish. It's very common in Fairbanks to have Thanksgiving with friends instead of families because many peoples' family live so very far away. So generally...

How to Smoke a Turkey

Thanksgiving is coming up, my husband’s favorite holiday.  In our family, I’m in charge of Thanksgiving Turkey from start to finish and since I’m in charge I say “Let’s smoke it”.  I love smoked turkey so much I’m going to convince you to smoke your...

How to Create a Stress-Free Holiday

The sound of a crackling fire, laughter in the kitchen, friends and family coming together or a perfectly cooked meal, presents under the tree; these are often the images of the holiday season that you see around you, perfect happiness and joy. This is not always...

Twenty Ways to Save Water on the Homestead

This post is for everyone that plans on living on or is currently living on a homestead and wants to conserve water. I'm not trying to lecture or convince people to conserve water. But for those of you that want to learn how to save water on the homestead, read on....

Pickled Beet Stems

What to do with the beet stems? That is the question. The beets themselves, easy. Beet greens, no problem. I love to cook and eat them both. But my question has always been, 'What do I do with the beet stems'? In the past I've composted the stems. The chickens...

DIY Farm Table

Our original kitchen table was a beautiful antique given to us by my mother-in-law. The table seated four and had one of those pop-up inserts that folded up from the middle of the table. Small, space-saving, old, beautiful, and, absolutely unsuitable for three...

5 Simple Kale Recipes

I love kale for many reasons. First, it's really tasty. Two, I can easily grow a lot of it making me feel like a master gardener.  Three, it's very versatile in recipes; kale can be used in cold or hot salads, smoothies, broths or stocks, casseroles, pizza...

How to Garden with Young Children

Gardening with young children can be a mixed bag of experiences. Initially capturing their interest in gardening is fairly easy, especially since gardening involves dirt, getting messy, insects, worms, the outdoors, and/or water. But keeping that interest alive...

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

  I really love to bake, the process of baking is my zen moment in a hectic and busy day. I...

How to Garden with Young Children

Gardening with young children can be a mixed bag of experiences. Initially capturing their...

Summer Blueberry Pie

The end of July marks wild blueberry season in Fairbanks, the transition season where summer ends...

How to Stop Chicken Pecking

Some chicken pecking occurs in all flocks and is natural to maintain order (i.e. the pecking...

My Casual Garden

One of my many goals in life is to someday raise all my own food for my family, vegetables and...

Slow Cooker Butter Garlic Rabbit

This slow cooker meal is pure winter comfort food, warm, filling and delicious!  This is a great...

Preserving Your Garlic Harvest

Garlic is a must in my kitchen and in my garden. Garlic has a very long growing season, about 7...

Pressure Canning Beans

  My family loves beans, black, garbanzo, white, navy and pinto are some of our  favorites....

How to Start Homesteading

So you're interested in homesteading. But where do you start? Should you buy some land, buy a cow,...

Why I Raise Chickens!

If I could only pick one animal to have on my...

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~ Jessica & April

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