Living in Alaska makes me really appreciate the little things in life. I don’t take anything for granted. For example, I can’t assume that the package I ordered will show up intact or even show up at all. Or that I will always have plumbing or that a bear won’t come through my yard and get into my beehive or rabbit pens. Or even that I will feel sunshine on my face all year long. So, when the sun starts shining on my face come May, or I take a hot shower at the end of the day, I truly treasure those moments. But in this tumultuous year 2020 where the world is upside down and uncertain, I have a hard time focusing on those positive little things and how lucky my family and I are in this wonderful life we’ve chosen for ourselves. Lately, I’ve been bogged down in the negative, politics, pandemic, etc, so I decided to take a moment and list some of the things that I am grateful for at a personal, at my homestead, level, and share them with you in case you are having a similar problem, of dwelling in the negative.

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Here is a list of things I am grateful for every year, just off the top of my head. There are of course a whole lot more but, for the sake of brevity…here’s some of them.

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  • Remembering where I put my flashlights after almost four months of not needing them.
  • Remembering which light switch goes to what in my house after not using lights for several months.
  • The first frost which kills the mosquitoes for the rest of the year.
  • Finding my sunglasses after putting them away someplace I’ll remember (not really) six months ago.
  • The first day in January, January 22nd, to be precise when the sun finally hits the upstairs wall in my house for the first time in two months.
  • The first day I can feel the heat from the sunlight on my face, usually the end of February.
  • When the temperature climbs above 0°F and stays there.
  • Sun all night in the summer, for two months straight.
  • The northern lights out my bedroom window.
  • Remembering to plug in the freezers in March when it ‘warms’ up.
  • The Amanita mushrooms in the fall.
  • Finding everything in stock in the grocery store I was looking for and not having to try again a week later.
  • The first flower after six months of winter.
  • Putting away my down coat and mukluks and pulling out the Chacos and t-shirts at about 30°F.
  • The summer solstice, the longest sunlit day of the year.
  • The first night it gets dark enough in the summer to see the stars again.
  • The first spring migrating bird that sings in my yard, thank you Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
  • The first snowfall of the year signifying the end of homestead projects for the year and a lot more seeing friends again.
  • The kindness of everyone in Fairbanks, that they will push your car out of the snowy ditch. In fact, usually, several someones will help you without you having to ask.
  • The first fresh pea out of my garden.
  • Salmon! Lots of salmon.
  • Running water and a toilet in the house.
  • Being able to shower or do laundry every day in my own home.
  • Lots of space to be outside in.
  • My three kids that destroy my house and yet make me laugh.
  • And last but not least my friends and family, where ever they are, for being healthy and wonderful.

Just writing that list made me feel better. So what are that little things in life that make you happy? What puts a smile on your face and makes you laugh? What calms your mind and gives you hope? Look around as you go about your day and share with the rest of us, what the little things in life are to you.

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