Naming a Homestead

Naming a Homestead

I’ve lived in my current house for almost 6 years now. From the ages of 17- 31, before we bought our current homestead, I moved 23 times for work, school, and jobs. Twenty-three times!  And that’s just what I remember. That’s essentially moving every...
All About Rhubarb

All About Rhubarb

Rhubarb is one of the many exciting signs of spring, a welcome burst of color in an otherwise barren post winter landscape. Rhubarb is the first edible plant that grows on our farm. As the hardy perennial pushes its way through the soil before the forsythia blooms, my...
In the Morning

In the Morning

  This section of the blog is for daily life, rambling confessions and observations about the world we live in. Today mine is a complaint, a whine? It’s 6 am and I was planning on sleeping in a little bit. I was up late last night working on our farmers...
Raising Turkey Poults

Raising Turkey Poults

There is a huge amount of information about raising chickens and chicks, and so very little about raising turkeys from poults. Any information you do find is almost guaranteed to be about raising commercial breeds like the Broad-Breasted White, in a commercial...

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