Six Seasons in Alaska

Six Seasons in Alaska

Fairbanks does not follow the ‘classic’ seasons of winter, spring, summer, and fall. These seasons are a myth, an idea, a dream. There are six real seasons in Fairbanks as follows: Breakup, Greenup, Mosquito Season, August (the Rainy Month), September (the...
Smoked Salmon Roe

Smoked Salmon Roe

It’s salmon season up here in Fairbanks. My husband Joel came home about a week ago with 28 sockeye/red salmon from the Copper River! This year in addition to smoking and kippering the fillets myself, which I’ve written about before here, I decided to do...
How to Appreciate the Little Things in Alaska Life

How to Appreciate the Little Things in Alaska Life

Living in Alaska makes me really appreciate the little things in life. I don’t take anything for granted. For example, I can’t assume that the package I ordered will show up intact or even show up at all. Or that I will always have plumbing or that a bear...
How to Protect Your Children from Mosquitoes

How to Protect Your Children from Mosquitoes

Alaska is known for many things; big mammals, lots of space, and oil drilling among other things. But Alaska is also famous for its mosquitoes. From June 1st through the end of July it’s mosquito season, and it can be downright nasty and sometimes hard to...
How to Make Sourdough Bread

How to Make Sourdough Bread

I’m a huge fan of sourdough bread. I’ve always wanted to figure out how to make it so I can eat it whenever I want. So I finally did. I’m going to share with you a very simple and quick way to make sourdough bread. This recipe has all the flavor but...

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