We are sisters who want to create a place for dreamers, the secret backyard chicken keepers, the collectors of lost knowledge, the industrious gardener, and the hopefully curious. This is a place for all who have dreams of living a sustainable life connected to the community that they live in. We believe that a person can live a sustainable homesteading life no matter where they are. A person with herbs on the windowsill, a cheesemaker, friends taking knitting classes, a neighbor who shares garden tools, a plot at a community garden, this is the face of the modern homesteader. A person just like you……Do what you can, where you are, and live a joyous life doing so.
Pie Crust Recipe
Here is a basic, no-fuss, pie crust recipe, that is versatile and quick to make. This recipe is good for sweet or savory pies, galettes, quiches, or tarts, and is exactly the flaky pie crust recipe you've been looking for. The key to this pie crust is keeping the...
Blackberry Muffins
Last month my family and I were on our annual 'Grant Tour', meaning we were visiting the family. My husband and my families are mostly in Oregon, so once a year we travel through Oregon for three weeks straight, visiting aunts, uncles, siblings, grandparents,...
How to Downsize Your Homestead
It happens. Some life-changing situation occurs, and your homesteading needs to change too. It might be temporary or it might be a permanent change; you might have to take care of your family, you have a new job or a new baby. Or maybe you just took too much on and...
Herbed Goat Chevre
Now plain goat chevre is amazing; I can't get enough of it. I've been making goat chevre for years and it is a staple in all of my cooking and baking. You can read about making it here if you like. I've also made goat milk...
Perfect Spring Quiche with Asparagus
I am sitting here at the beginning of January, dreaming of spring gardens as I slowly flip through my gardening books and seed catalogs. It's slightly masochistic of me but I can't help myself. The spring garden and the tender greens make me so happy. So I thought...
What Do You Do All Winter?
Friends and family often ask me, ‘What do you do all winter when it’s so dark and cold up there?” Now, I wish I could honestly answer; mush a dog team, run a trapline, ice fish daily, ski six miles a day, snowshoe to the grocery store, and rope a moose to pull my...
Salmon Marinade
My absolute favorite salmon recipe is salmon tacos. I know, I know, use valuable salmon for tacos? But, I'm telling you it's the best. Since we catch up to 50 salmon a year for our house, I've tried a lot, and I mean a lot, of different salmon recipes over time. I...
Outdoor Clotheslines
If someday I had to stop homesteading there are two things I’d never give up. One is my chickens, and the other is my clothesline. I think most of you would probably agree on keeping chickens. Chickens make cute noises, come in a variety of colors and breeds, and...
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~ Jessica & April