Unless you are a vegetarian, you love bacon. 2017 was the first year my husband and I decided to raise pigs with some friends. After butchering we had 20-25 lbs of potential bacon. So I decided to give it a go and see if I could come up with the perfect bacon recipe. On my 10th attempt, I think I did it. Maybe not perfect but really, really good. There is always room for tinkering with recipes.
1.5-2 lbs squared off bacon
1/4 cup salt
3 Tbs molasses
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup black pepper
2 tsp of curing salt (optional) * I did not notice a difference in taste or texture between bacon with curing salt and bacon without.
Cook away or freeze for a later date. Bacon has a high-fat content and I think it stays fresher longer if you use a vacuum sealer before placing it in the freezer. Enjoy!
- I cut my bacon into manageable chunks of 1-1.5lbs, a serving size for my family over the course of a weekend. Cut into 1lb chunks the bacon are easier to handle and fit into my container.